Monday, July 8, 2013

As Safe As Houses

This house warps and melts like a 
wedding cake in fragrant summer,
each molded corner bleeding into 
the door-frames.
All the furniture is hemmhorraging
its stuffing, regretful and dolorous.

We could peel strips of the faded hardwood
away with our fingertips,
grasping furtively some sense
of decayed mystery beneath the boards,
where the earth meets the hearth.
The fireplace is still choked with coal dust,
and there's pale squares
where paintings once hung
in lost days of antiquity. 

Even the windows,
with their burden of busy insects and
swiftly-rusting screens,
are a reference point in glass.


  1. Love the whole image though I'm hoping it's a bit exaggerated! Wonderful writing.

  2. it's not really supposed to be our house. thanks! :)
